Learn how strong communication skills boost leadership, improve employee engagement, reduce conflict, and drive team success.
Learn practical tips for managing long-term sickness absence, including policies, support, legal compliance, and return-to-work strategies.
Discover how employee recognition boosts morale, retention, and productivity with practical ideas for building a culture of appreciation.
Effective leadership drives business success by inspiring teams, aligning goals, and building resilience. Discover the impact of strong leadership.
Learn how recruitment metrics help SMEs stay competitive, control hiring costs, and attract top talent with a data-driven approach.
Learn how to attract top talent on a budget with practical strategies for small businesses to compete with larger organisations.
Explore the benefits of building a strong remote work culture with tips to boost engagement, flexibility, and productivity in your team.
Explore the impact of social media on employment law, with key insights on managing online conduct to avoid unfair dismissal risks in the workplace.
The new government has confirmed its commitment to banning exploitative work practices through a new Employment Rights Bill.
To mark our 10th birthday, the MAD-HR Team has put together a 10-point list of HR advice as a gift for you and your business.
Labour's win marks a shift with new policies and priorities. Here’s an overview of the key implications for employers
This Father's Day, our experts have been thinking about the latest employment-related updates in respect of paternity rights.
In light of the new Carers Leave Act 2023, which came into force on 6 April 2024, we take a look at what the HR obligations are on employers.
We take a moment to reflect on our journey at BizX 2024. The event brought together a stellar lineup of speakers.
Advice and opinions from the MAD-HR Team, focussing on the most recent Budget from the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
We look back on our recent successes and forward to more successful opportunities this year. Get in touch to see how we can help you.
Thinking of selling your business? Read on for tips to ensure your exit strategy is a success for you, your employees and your buyer.
Here are the details on our office opening times during the festive season 2023/4 and how you can contact our team.
Simple holiday pay and annual leave entitlement calculator for UK employees, including pro-rata calculations. The simplest solution!
The results of this year’s Best Employers Eastern Region recognition programme have just been announced, and we’re popping the champagne!
Learn the key differences between redundancy and dismissal, and explore the essential steps to ensure a fair, legal redundancy process.
Learn key steps for building trust as a manager, from open communication to authentic leadership and active listening.
Here are full details of our office opening times during the festive season 2024/25 and how you can contact our team.