Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management (HRM) is the name given to a set of skills and tasks used to manage the people who work in an organisation. 


If you’re a business owner or leader, it’s important to understand the basics of HRM so that you can make informed decisions about your workforce. 


Find out how MAD-HR helps with Human Resource Management

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Latest Human Resources Management articles

Rugby ball

Is Your Business Ready For Rugby World Cup?

The 2015 Rugby World Cup kicks off in September here in the UK. Employers need to plan ahead to minimise disruption cased by big sporting events.

empty office

How To Manage Absence

Absence is a cost for any business – both financially and operationally – and therefore learning how to manage it makes good commercial sense.

Childcare scene

Tax-Free Childcare: What’s The Deal?

Tax-free childcare is part of the government's long-term plan to support working families and will provide up to 1.8m families with childcare support..

holiday scene

What Are The Rules On Carrying Untaken Annual Leave When Off Sick?

Untaken Annual Leave - Can I carry over annual leave? The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has a very clear position on this subject.

Living Wage

Compulsory National ‘Living Wage’ as of April 2016

Compulsory National Living Wage - A new minimum wage of £7.20 per hour will be introduced next April for all working people aged 25 and over.

clock and piggy bank on sesaw

How To Calculate Holiday Pay

there are a number of things when looking at How To Calculate Holiday Pay such as travel, overtime and commission. we help you do the maths.


Unfair Dismissal for sending shared drive data

Case Law on an Unfair Dismissal for sending shared drive data. We share the outcome of the Tribunal. Manage your team effectively.

team working together

How To Build a Better Team

Have you ever wondered how some work groups exhibit effective teamwork and others remain dysfunctional? So how do you build a better team?

Driving Licence

DVLA’s Share Driving Licence Goes Live

DVLA’s Share Driving Licence Goes Live and we look at what this means for your business and checking procedures of employees

dirty car

Is your employee’s vehicle shameful?

We offer HR guidance in the situation where your employee's vehicle is shameful. A tricky one...but fear not, help is here

Driving Licence

The abolition of the paper driving licence counterpart

The paper counterpart of the driving licence is no longer valid and will not be issued by DVLA. What does this mean for employers?

Probationary Review Form

Probationary Period – What Happens If You Do Nothing

Probationary period - many employers set a period of probation for new employees but what happens if you don't do anything at the end of it?

Diabetes words and medication

Do you have to manage diabetes as a disability?

Get to grips with disability related employment law, protect you and your business. Learn if you should manage diabetes as a disability.

2015 General Election

The 2015 General Election – The Possible Changes For Employment Law

2015 General election. The MAD-HR team take a look at the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats & UKIP manafestos, regarding changes to employment law.


How To Conduct a Performance Appraisal

achieve your dream team by making your employees feel valued. a good way to do this is yearly appraisal. we look at how to: conduct a performance appraisal

termination of employment law

New Compensation Limits – Effective April 2015

New Compensation limits to statutory redundancy pay and the amount that employment tribunals can award for unfair dismissal, effective from 6 April 2015.

employee grievance

Is an employee’s email complaint a grievance?

Electronic communication is used widely and freely to express ourselves so should an employee's dissatisfied email be treated as a staff grievance?

Fit for Work written on post it note

Useful info on the Government’s Fit For Work service

In 2014, the Government’s Fit For Work service was launched. We share useful info on what this involves and what the benefits are.

woman using twitter

What the EAT thinks about Twitter

With the use of social media so engrained in our lives, we take a look at What the EAT thinks about Twitter. Legal advice.

Parent and Child

What employers need to know about Shared Parental leave changes from April 2015

We share important updated for employers on shared Parental leave changes from April 2015. Read the tips and information here.

Popular Human Resources Management articles

These are the articles relating to topic that are popular on the MAD-HR website.


This page of our site is our Human Resources Management hub. In this section, we share articles discussing the key aspects of HRM and explain why it’s essential for any business. We’ll also provide tips on how to get started if you’re just starting out.


The impact of Human Resources on businesses

Human resources has a significant impact on businesses of all sizes. By understanding the ever-changing landscape of employment law, human resources consultancy can provide guidance and support to companies to ensure they are compliant with current legislation. They can also advise on recruitment strategies, help with employee retention and offer training and development programmes to improve staff morale and motivation. In addition, human resources consultancy can provide expert guidance during periods of change, such as mergers and acquisitions or downsizing. By understanding the needs of both employees and employers, human resources consultancy can play a vital role in ensuring businesses operate smoothly and effectively.

From hiring and training new employees to ensuring that your current team is productive and happy, HR touches every aspect of your business. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t know where to start when it comes to Human Resources Management, our team at MAD-HR can help. We have years of experience in all areas of human resources, from recruitment to retention, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Don’t let your business suffer because of poor HR – contact us today!

Contact MAD-HR via our contact page to find out how to take the stress out of Human Resource Management