Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management (HRM) is the name given to a set of skills and tasks used to manage the people who work in an organisation. 


If you’re a business owner or leader, it’s important to understand the basics of HRM so that you can make informed decisions about your workforce. 


Find out how MAD-HR helps with Human Resource Management

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Latest Human Resources Management articles

Harnessing online recruitment opportunities

How to harness online recruitment opportunities

A candidate-driven market is forcing employers to reassess their recruitment methods. Find out how changing your recruitment strategy helps.

Statutory pay and compensation limits increase April 2022

Changes to Minimum wage, Statutory pay & Compensation limits 2022

Find out how statutory rates of pay and compensation limits and rules from April 2022 will affect your business.

The risks of discrimination in recruitment

The risks of discrimination in recruitment

Ensure you have a robust recruitment strategy to make certain you are protected from accusations of discrimination while recruiting.

Extra UK bank holiday 2022

The extra bank holiday in the UK for 2022

The extra bank holiday in 2022 may not be until June, but as an employer you should start making decisions about staff holiday now.

Top 10 benefits of a retained HR service

Top 10 benefits of a retained HR service

Wondering about the excellent benefits that a retained HR service can provide? We list 10 in this blog post.

Expenses claim

Tribunal rules that underperforming Sales Director was unfairly dismissed after submitting £60k expenses claim

After being offered a lucrative settlement package, the employee submitted a huge expenses claim worth almost £60,000.

Dismissal for personal conduct

Dismissal on the grounds of personal conduct

Following the accosting of Prof. Chris Whitty and subsequent firing of a perpetrator, we explore the nuances of dismissal for personal conduct.

Fire and rehire

Minimise risk when it comes to fire and rehire

What is the concept of firing and rehiring, and how do you stay on the right side of both the law and your moral obligations to staff?

Tactical Hiring in a recruitment crisis

Recruitment crisis? Solutions for tactical hiring even when it’s urgent

Recruitment in the current climate is potentially unnerving, given the fallout from months of lockdowns. Here are our tips for recruiting without delay.

Onboarding remotely - strategies for success

Onboarding remotely – strategies for success

Are you planning on remote onboarding new recruits to your business? Here are our tips for achieving success while onboarding remotely.

Online candidate interview tips

Online candidate interviews: Top tips to get it right

Looking for online interview tips? Here's how to interview candidates successfully using virtual software.

Work From Home

Work from home, hybrid or office – how do you manage staff in different settings?

How do you manage work from home, hybrid and office staff? We look at the advantages and disadvantages of each style of work.

Signs you are getting the best from your HR consultancy

Signs you’re getting the best from your HR consultancy

What makes a good HR consultancy? We explain the elements that a good HR consultancy should deliver for your business.

HR Con

5 things we wish all employers knew about HR

Understanding basic HR principles can help you manage risk, retain your employees, encourage development and lead to your business' success.

HR consultancy

Are HR Consultants a dying breed?

We look at the ever changing world of work and how HR consultants are evolving alongside the developments.

Top 10 scary HR facts

Top 10 scary facts about HR

We look at the top 10 scariest facts and statistics about HR that are likely to impact the world of work in the near future.

Top 10 HR myths

10 popular myths about HR

There are many circulating HR myths, and these can actually affect the way you run your business. We separate the myths from the facts.

Constructive dismiss Vs unfair dismissal

Constructive dismissal and unfair dismissal – employers’ guide

Want to know the difference between constructive dismissal and unfair dismissal? We define each term in this blog post.

The Future of HR

The future of HR

What's next in HR trends? We look at the future of HR and what it means for businesses, from analytics to the gig economy.

Boost profits with HR

Little-known ways to boost your profits with HR

Did you know that investing HR is one way to increase your business profits? We explore how you can invest to your advantage here.

Popular Human Resources Management articles

These are the articles relating to topic that are popular on the MAD-HR website.


This page of our site is our Human Resources Management hub. In this section, we share articles discussing the key aspects of HRM and explain why it’s essential for any business. We’ll also provide tips on how to get started if you’re just starting out.


The impact of Human Resources on businesses

Human resources has a significant impact on businesses of all sizes. By understanding the ever-changing landscape of employment law, human resources consultancy can provide guidance and support to companies to ensure they are compliant with current legislation. They can also advise on recruitment strategies, help with employee retention and offer training and development programmes to improve staff morale and motivation. In addition, human resources consultancy can provide expert guidance during periods of change, such as mergers and acquisitions or downsizing. By understanding the needs of both employees and employers, human resources consultancy can play a vital role in ensuring businesses operate smoothly and effectively.

From hiring and training new employees to ensuring that your current team is productive and happy, HR touches every aspect of your business. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t know where to start when it comes to Human Resources Management, our team at MAD-HR can help. We have years of experience in all areas of human resources, from recruitment to retention, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Don’t let your business suffer because of poor HR – contact us today!

Contact MAD-HR via our contact page to find out how to take the stress out of Human Resource Management