Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management (HRM) is the name given to a set of skills and tasks used to manage the people who work in an organisation. 


If you’re a business owner or leader, it’s important to understand the basics of HRM so that you can make informed decisions about your workforce. 


Find out how MAD-HR helps with Human Resource Management

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Latest Human Resources Management articles

ill person

How to manage annual leave and sickness overlap

It is inevtiatvle that at times your employees will be on leave and fall ill. We share our tips on How to manage annual leave and sickness overlap

Employment law

£49,000 pay-out for former teacher pressured to resign

Handling potential resignations can be tricky. Read tips based on a real case of a £49,000 pay-out for former teacher pressured to resign


How to keep contact with a sick or absent employee

When employees are absent, there is a requirement to stay in touch. What if you are struggling to contact an employee who is off sick?


Flexible Working – any right of appeal?

Employees with 26 weeks’ continuous service have the right to request flexible working. Read our blog Flexible Working – any right of appeal?

Annual leave and the COVID implication

Can I refuse last minute holiday requests?

Last minute holidays have become increasingly popular. But an employee can’t book one and then expect you to fall in with their eleventh hour plans.

The staff Christmas Party

The staff Christmas Party – Don’t be a Grinch

The Staff Christmas Party - We are approaching the time of staff socials. Here are a few free tips on managing the preparation, the event & the aftermath.


Webinar “How do I employ my first person” – 30th November 2016

Charlotte Bate is guest speaker for the New Anglia Growth Hub's webinar on "How do I employ my first person?". Register your place here.

Travel to Work

What you need to know about Travel Time

After the recent ECJ ruling, we have put this blog together on What you need to know about Travel Time and how it could affect your business

Gas Ring

Holiday pay must include commission, confirms Court of Appeal

We have been following the Lock V British Gas case and here we share the latest outcome that Holiday pay must include commission, confirms Court of Appeal

sick man

The impact of avoiding sick pay obligations

An employee has been awarded £75,000 for being denied sick pay. We share the tribunal outcomes and lessons here. Protect your business.

Employment Law Contract

Fixed Term Contracts – what you need to know

MAD-HR share key information and HR expertise on Fixed Term Contracts – what you need to know about managing them legally.

Disciplinary Procedures

When to suspend employees during a disciplinary

Suspending someone can have serious consequences for the employee, here we look at When to suspend employees during a disciplinary.

Home Working Vs Hybrid Working

7 Easy Steps to creating a ‘Work at Home’ Policy

There can be may benefits to enabling your employee to work from home. Here are our 7 Easy Steps to creating a 'Work at Home' Policy

woman refusing work

Is your employee refusing to work their Notice Period?

MAD-HR share valuable HR advice to help managers manage employees refusing to work their Notice Period and steps to be taken.

checking time on watch

How to calculate working time

What is included in work time? Working time is defined as any period during which a worker is working, so how do you calculate working time?

Childcare scene

How much could focusing on childcare cost you at interview?

Recruitment process: Tribunal saw an interviewer fined £2K for discrimination for asking childcare-related questions during an interview.

empty office

How to manage a potential employees poor sickness history

This case law looks at how to manage a potential employees poor sickness history and what decisions you should make when employing people

working in a bakery baking bread

How the dismissal of baker for not washing hands was fair

Although it sounds extreme, a tribunal has upheld this case and explains How the dismissal of baker for not washing hands was fair

Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary Outcome Letters – 6 things you must include

So the hearing is over and you need to tie it up appropriately. Read our 6 points to include in Disciplinary outcome letters.


5 Top Tips on avoiding constructive dismissal claims

When an employee feels like they have no alternative than to leave you need our 5 Top Tips on avoiding constructive dismissal claims

Popular Human Resources Management articles

These are the articles relating to topic that are popular on the MAD-HR website.


This page of our site is our Human Resources Management hub. In this section, we share articles discussing the key aspects of HRM and explain why it’s essential for any business. We’ll also provide tips on how to get started if you’re just starting out.


The impact of Human Resources on businesses

Human resources has a significant impact on businesses of all sizes. By understanding the ever-changing landscape of employment law, human resources consultancy can provide guidance and support to companies to ensure they are compliant with current legislation. They can also advise on recruitment strategies, help with employee retention and offer training and development programmes to improve staff morale and motivation. In addition, human resources consultancy can provide expert guidance during periods of change, such as mergers and acquisitions or downsizing. By understanding the needs of both employees and employers, human resources consultancy can play a vital role in ensuring businesses operate smoothly and effectively.

From hiring and training new employees to ensuring that your current team is productive and happy, HR touches every aspect of your business. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t know where to start when it comes to Human Resources Management, our team at MAD-HR can help. We have years of experience in all areas of human resources, from recruitment to retention, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Don’t let your business suffer because of poor HR – contact us today!

Contact MAD-HR via our contact page to find out how to take the stress out of Human Resource Management