Reflecting on a busy and successful 2019

Before everyone begins enjoying the Christmas and New Year celebrations, it’s a good opportunity for any business to take stock and reflect on how the year has gone.
Here at MAD-HR, we’ve been thrilled with the support the business community has shown for our innovative services. With new clients have come team expansion, new projects – and award recognition.
MAD-HR continues to grow
2019 was our fifth year in business. While, like any other company, we always planned to be successful and expand, it’s always a relief to see it happen. Happily, our clients see the value we offer as an outsourced HR partner and resource.
With the demand for our services on the rise, it was only a matter of time before we grew our team again. In the spring, we were pleased to announce the arrival of two new senior HR consultants, plus we added offices in Chelmsford and Norwich to our Ipswich operation.
New workshops complement existing services
In March, we launched our new series of HR Heroes workshop. These four workshops will continue to run in Suffolk and Essex in 2020 and will prove invaluable for businesses facing evolving employment laws and HR practices. The courses cover:
- Recruitment, Induction and Probation
- Managing Conduct and Performance
- Managing Attendance
- Managing Discipline and Grievance
You can find out more on our blog post.
As our existing clients know, we also updated our flagship Online HR Toolkit throughout the year. Doing so ensures all the advice, templates and more than 1,000 documents in the portal are legally up to date and commercially relevant. We will also be launching a major update to the online HR Toolkit in 2020 which will come with and improved features.
Awards and recognition
We are delighted when our hard work is recognised, and in June we were awarded FUTURE50 Class of 2019 status by regional publishers, Archant.
The awards list picks out innovative and ambitious companies in Suffolk and Norfolk that are “ones to watch”. Being on the list gives us access to exclusive events and a valuable network of business partners and support.
In August it was a great honour to be shortlisted for the National SME Awards 2019, in the high growth business category. While we didn’t walk off with the top prize at the finals this December, we felt it was an excellent achievement to make the national shortlist.
Helping others
2019 was not all about pushing ourselves, we’ve been pleased to do our bit for charitable causes, too.
In September we helped with the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce ‘Prestige Dinner’ at Trinity Park in Ipswich, attended by Ben Fogle. We added £750 to the money raised on the night to make a total of £1,610.
We split the cash between the Elmer Fund on behalf of St Elizabeth Hospice, and the ActivGardens project, an initiative that encourages people to get active and join in a community garden scheme.
Looking ahead to 2020
It’s only by reflecting that you appreciate just how much has happened during the year.
We hope that you can enjoy some special time with your family and loved ones over the holidays. Then, we can all start the New Year refreshed and raring to go again.
Who can predict what 2020 will bring? We’re excited to find out.
“Great support and knowledge!”
“we have used MadHR for the past 3 years and are very happy with the knowledge and support provided to us” Read the full review